Yikes, needles! Does acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture should not be painful, but it is not without sensation. Very thin, disposable needles are used and mild sensations are typically felt. Acupuncture needles are nothing like hypodermic needles—in fact, 10 to 20 acupuncture needles can fit into just one hypodermic needle! Sensations range from nothing at all to a tingling or heavy feeling. Once the needles have been placed, the patient deeply relaxes in a comfortable room with soothing music for about 15 to 45 minutes. Most people report feeling wonderful after an acupuncture treatment. Really!

My Chiropractor does acupuncture - is that the same thing?

Acupuncture is acupuncture—piercing the skin with needles. In a few states, Nebraska being one of them, chiropractors, medical doctors, and dentists are allowed to “do acupuncture” within their scope of practice. But acupuncture is one small part of an entire system of medicine that has been practiced and perfected for over 3,000 years. “Doing acupuncture” and practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine are two very different things. See “Acupuncture Training” under About Us to compare the levels of training.

Is Dry Needling the same as Acupuncture?

Yes! And we strongly recommend receiving dry needling, acupuncture, cupping, gua sha and Chinese Herbal Medicine from Licensed Acupuncturists who have Masters degrees, then sit for rigorous board exams, have to be licensed by the state and most importantly are INSURABLE (carry hefty mal-practice insurance).

For more information:

What’s the Difference? 
Dry Needling: A New Name for a Very Old Therapy
AAMA policy on Dry Needling
AAAOM position statement on Trigger Point Dry Needling
ASA Position on Dry Needling

Is treatment covered by insurance?

Currently in the state of Nebraska, very few insurance companies cover treatment. There are a few, however, and it is best to check with your insurance company to find out. (And the more we as consumers demand something, the better we are heard!) We do not currently file insurance in our office, but we are happy to supply you with the necessary invoice to submit for reimbursement.

Can I get acupuncture if I'm pregnant?

Yes! Pregnant women can and should receive acupuncture treatments! Acupuncture promotes wellbeing and healthy living for both mama and baby, and it is absolutely safe. It is also advisable for pregnant women to seek acupuncture treatments when they feel perfectly healthy – don’t wait until a problem comes up to see treatment! If the baby has breeched or labor is going to be induced, call us immediately.

How should I prepare for my acupuncture appointment?

Your practitioner will be most interested in evaluating your condition based upon factors relating to your lifestyle. Please dress comfortably. Since part of the evaluation process includes evaluating the patient’s natural state, it is recommended that the patient refrain from using perfumes, lotions, or scented soaps on that day. It is also important that the patient not be too full or too hungry; a small meal prior to the visit is satisfactory. The pre-treatment interview is extremely important in evaluating the patient’s needs and conditions, so please bring an open mind and be yourself.

How many visits do I need?

How many visits you will need varies from person to person and case to case. Depending on the issue at hand, a course of treatment can range from 4 to 12 sessions. The purpose of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is to get you well and on your way. Most people come to love having acupuncture and make it a regular part of their overall wellness program. For general health and wellbeing – much like an oil change for your car – it is advisable to have four treatments a year coinciding with the season changes. Traditional Chinese Medicine is, after all, a preventative medicine – where we turn to maintain good health!